Breastfeeding is one of the most natural ways to nourish your little one. But for some mothers, the changes in their breast size and functions can cause physical changes in their breasts, including sagging and drooping. These physical changes can affect how you feel about your body. You can firm and lift your breasts naturally with the information and simple tips below. How Does Nursing Affect Your Breasts? It's important to understand that breastfeeding isn't the cause of your sagging breasts.
30 November 2017
A menstrual cycle can tell a lot about various aspects of a woman's body. If your menstrual cycles have been irregular lately, it might be a sign that you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist. One of the common reasons for a cycle to become irregular is due to pregnancy. However, there are more serious problems that could cause irregular cycles. This article explains what a gynecologist can do to get to the bottom of why your menstrual cycles have been irregular.
10 November 2017
If you're struggling during an especially stressful or difficult time in your life, you may be considering therapy. This can be a great way to talk through your feelings while also getting expert advice from a professional. Individuals of all ages and situations choose to invest in individual therapy services. Keep reading to better understand the reasons as to why therapy may be a good option for you to consider.
24 October 2017
If you contact your local hospital, university hospital, or other health facility, you can inquire as to whether any clinical trials are coming up. If so, you'll hear about what type of trials are scheduled and what types of participants the researchers need. Should you fit the criteria, you can sign up for the trial and hope to receive a call indicating that you've been accepted. Your next step is to visit the designated location at the requested time, and then simply follow the researchers' instructions.
4 October 2017
Going through a midlife crisis can be a difficult time. On the surface, it might be enjoyable to you, whether you're buying a sports car, hanging out with younger people, or trying new activities. However, you might still feel chronically unfulfilled — and your loved ones might be rolling their eyes at how you're behaving. There's nothing wrong with feeling like you need to make some changes in your life, but you should also plan to see your family doctor to discuss what is going on.
12 September 2017
When it comes to men's health, your primary care physician can provide many of the essential services you need. However, you may find that you need to see a urologist for more specialized care. If you aren't sure whether or not you need to see a urologist, here are a few things to keep in mind. Abnormal Prostate Exam Your primary care physician may perform regular prostate exams as part of your regular checkups.
4 September 2017
If you have a bad knee that is constantly bothering you, limiting your mobility and leaving you with pain, your doctor might recommend knee surgery. Knee surgery is often the best option for knee problems; however, there are things you can try before choosing surgery that may help relieve some of the pain and improve your mobility. Here are several options you may want to try before you agree to surgery.
18 August 2017
If you have recently had a heart attack, there is a good chance that you are more than a bit uncertain as to what will happen in the future. For instance, you might be aware that you are often at a higher risk of another heart attack and it's essential now to begin making decisions that will impact the quality and length of the rest of your life. As a result, it's best to be aware of the following information, given that more than 200,000 women die every year as the result of heart attacks, and many of those deaths could have been prevented.
1 August 2017
An estimated 100 million people in the United States of America currently live with chronic pain. In most cases, these individuals will take prescription medications to manage their pain. Although effective in some instances, painkillers have side effects that are dangerous and addicting. If you are currently living with chronic pain and prefer a safer, non-toxic treatment option, consider the benefits of chiropractic care. Here are a few things to know before your first visit to the chiropractor.
11 January 2017