Staying Open-Minded About Your Healthcare

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I didn't know what I was going to do. After the devastation subsided, I decided to take a very standard, western approach to my healing. Although initial efforts were successful, my cancer recurred a few months later. I endured many additional months of treatment before I started focusing on myself. I decided it was time to incorporate complimentary alternative treatments into my healing regimen, including massage therapy. I can't even begin to tell you how much it changed my life. My healing became a process, instead of something I simply had to endure. I hope that the articles on my website can inspire you to stay open-minded about your own healthcare.

Signs Of A Midlife Crisis? It's Time To See Your Family Doctor

Health & Medical Blog

Going through a midlife crisis can be a difficult time. On the surface, it might be enjoyable to you, whether you're buying a sports car, hanging out with younger people, or trying new activities. However, you might still feel chronically unfulfilled — and your loved ones might be rolling their eyes at how you're behaving. There's nothing wrong with feeling like you need to make some changes in your life, but you should also plan to see your family doctor to discuss what is going on. If you have a checkup scheduled, you can wait until then. Otherwise, making an appointment is a good idea.

Sharing What's Going On

It can be difficult to accept that you're partway through your life, especially if you've felt unfulfilled about the last few decades. You might be uncomfortable talking about these feelings with your family, but your family doctor can serve as a better sounding board for you. He or she has heard and seen it all, which means that you can explain exactly how you feel and you don't need to censor yourself. Your doctor will first and foremost be an empathetic sounding board, but can also suggest some strategies that you may wish to try to feel better.

Assessing What Might Be At Play

Sometimes, a midlife crisis can occur because you're rebelling against getting older. In other cases, you might actually be fighting an illness that you aren't aware of, and it could be prompting you to act in a certain manner. If you've started to do things that are way out of character and that surprise you, it's possible that your doctor will want to put you through some tests to ensure that nothing is wrong. For example, a brain tumor can cause significant personality changes, and while the risk could be low, your doctor will want to be sure.

Referring You To Other Health Professionals

Depending on the degree of midlife crisis you're experiencing and how you wish to actually live your life, your family doctor can be a valuable first point of contact for helping you to feel better. Sometimes, a referral to another health practitioner can be valuable. For example, your doctor might suggest seeking help from a counselor with whom you can meet regularly and discuss your feelings about the aging process, as well as learn some valuable coping strategies to use to help you age gracefully.

You can have a peek here to schedule an appointment with a doctor.


12 September 2017