The Differences Between Odorless And Odorous Pain Relief Cream And Why It May Matter

Health & Medical Blog

If you have never purchased joint pain relief cream, then you may be in for a surprise. Many of these creams have some sort of odor to them. Some people like the odor, others do not. There are some valid reasons as to why the manufacturers have odorous creams, but if you do not like the smells then you can always try an odorless version. Besides not having a smell, there are some other differences between odorless and odorous pain relief creams, and it may matter to you in the long run.

26 May 2016

Traveling And Allergies: What You Might Discover On Vacation And How To Address It Before You Leave

Health & Medical Blog

When you are at home, you know exactly what causes you to have an allergic reaction. However, traveling is another matter altogether. Plants you have never been exposed to before may now threaten the fun you have, or exotic animals may create a new allergic reaction in you. How do you deal with that? Do you simply suffer through it because you are on vacation? That is no way to travel and have fun, but if you talk with your allergy specialist before you leave you can prevent these things from happening.

26 May 2016

Three Tips For Keeping Your Child's Feet And Ankles Safe From Sports Injuries


If your child is athletically active, it can place a tremendous amount of stress on their growing feet. Unfortunately, there are some parents that may not be aware of the steps that they can take to help keep their child from experiencing some common foot and ankle issues. Making sure to appreciate these tips will help you to be a more prepared parent when it comes to these issues. Invest In Quality Orthotics

11 May 2016

Recovering From Your Tummy Tuck

Health & Medical Blog

A tummy tuck is a great way to remove excess fat and skin from your abdomen to get the midsection that you always wanted. If you are going to have a tummy tuck or are just thinking about one, you should know what to expect after the procedure. Recovery from a tummy tuck is, after all, recovery from a major surgery. There are a few things that you should keep in mind when you are recovering from your surgery for the best results possible.

9 April 2016

An Appointment For A Root Canal And Terrified? Why You Don't Need To Be Afraid

Health & Medical Blog

If your dentist has told you that you need a root canal and you are terrified, you don't have to be. You will be surprised to learn that even though you will feel some pain, the pain will not be as bad as you think. Your dentist has great medicine and modern equipment at their disposal to make this procedure as painless as they can. Below is some information about root canals that should help make you feel better.

29 March 2016

3 Steps To Take If You Notice Pain After Physical Therapy

Health & Medical Blog

If you are undergoing physical therapy for an accident that you have been in or an injury that you have sustained, you might have noticed that you feel sore and in pain afterwards. A little bit of discomfort isn't unusual, since you are probably working muscles that you haven't worked since your injury and since you may still be going through the healing process. However, you shouldn't have to suffer while you are trying to get better.

16 March 2016

Overcoming 3 Common Barriers to Teeth Whitening—Cost, Time & Fear

Health & Medical Blog

Teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures. Unfortunately, not everybody who wants whiter teeth takes the necessary steps to achieve their desire. People have different reasons for postponing the treatment, but some of the common ones include these three: Cost Cost will always be an issue where dental treatments are concerned. To make matters worse, dental bleaching is a cosmetic procedure that most dental insurance plans don't cover.

22 February 2016

How Can You Tell If Your Child Has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

Health & Medical Blog

OCD is a condition that can present itself in childhood. As a parent, it will be easier for you to identify OCD and get your child a proper diagnosis if you know what symptoms to look for. This FAQ will discuss some of the warning signs of OCD and will help you know where to turn if you believe your child has OCD. How can you tell if your child has OCD?

4 February 2016

4 Natural Ways To Manage Chronic Pain

Health & Medical Blog

Chronic pain can make day-to-day living almost impossible. If you are living with chronic pain, you should know that there are a number of natural treatments that you can try to help manage your chronic pain. These things won't make your pain go away completely, but they should help lessen the pain that you have to live with. Stay Hydrated Believe it or not, one of the greatest sources of alleviating pain is simply to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of the good stuff: water.

20 January 2016

Obesity And Your Knees: Those Extra Pounds Are Hurting You More Than You Know

Health & Medical Blog

Being overweight causes a host of health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. But did you know it can also cause inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis of the knees? It can, and the statistics are alarming. Two out of every three obese adults suffer from knee osteoarthritis at some point. Statistics also show that knee problems are on the rise along with obesity. Arthritis cases caused by obesity has risen from 3 percent in the early 1970s to 18 percent in the early 2000s.

18 January 2016