
N95 Masks And Fit Testing

Health & Medical Blog

If you want to work in a hospital, then you should know that there is a wide variety of equipment that you may need to invest in to keep yourself protected while working in the field. The equipment is referred to as personal protective equipment and when it involves airborne illnesses that are serious, like TB, then you may be required to wear a special type of latex free particle mask called an N95 mask.

12 September 2018

Why Dental Implants Are the Best Solution for Your Missing Teeth

Health & Medical Blog

If you have missing teeth you might be having a hard time being truly happy with your smile. Covering your mouth when you laugh and going out of your way to avoid pictures may have become so much a part of your life that you can't remember living any other way. When you become fed up with missing out on opportunities because the missing teeth have started to guide your decision making it's time to do something about it.

19 July 2018

Newborn Baby Care Guidelines For New Parents

Health & Medical Blog

After you bring home your baby for the first time, you might feel like you don't know what to expect or what your baby needs. New parents can sometimes feel overwhelmed with providing care for a newborn. These guidelines can help you feel more confident as you meet the needs of your new baby.  1. You don't have to schedule feeding. Many parenting books and advice-givers will tell you that your baby needs to eat every two or three hours.

27 May 2018

Reasons You Should To Go To Urgent Care

Health & Medical Blog

When many people get sick or injured, they tend to be confused as to what they can and should do about the situation. Some opt to wait until their primary care doctor is available while others take themselves to the emergency room. However, there is a third option that many people tend to overlook in their medical care and treatment. That third option is the urgent care clinic. Get to know some of the health events that can be treated at an urgent care clinic.

24 April 2018

Considering Birth Control? 3 Reasons To Choose An IUD

Health & Medical Blog

If you are considering a birth control method, whether for pregnancy prevention or to help with menstrual problems, an intrauterine device (IUD) might be the answer. In the past, only women who had children could have an IUD; now, more gynecologists are inserting IUDs in women without a prior pregnancy. 1. Set It And Forget It One of the most attractive features of IUD is they can last upwards of a decade, depending on the type, without any maintenance.

25 March 2018

Your First Physical Therapy Appointment: How You Can Prepare

Health & Medical Blog

If you've had surgery, been in an accident, or suffered an injury, part of your recovery might include physical therapy. If you haven't been to physical therapy before, you may not know what to expect. Many people are surprised by how active or inactive their physical therapy treatments can be, and some might dislike it enough to stop coming, even though therapy is important for recovery. Here are some things you can to do to make sure your first appointment is a success and to keep on track for healing.

26 February 2018

The Differences Between Primary Care And Secondary Care In Medicine

Health & Medical Blog

Primary care and secondary care are both medical phrases used to refer to the medical professionals that treat you. While you certainly have heard of primary care doctors, it may strike you odd hearing about secondary care physicians. However, there is a very good chance that either you, or someone in your family, regularly sees a secondary care doctor. Here are the differences between primary and secondary care to help you understand what secondary care is, and know why they are referred to by these phrases.

21 January 2018

Breastfeeding Woes: Tips To Firm And Lift Your Breast Naturally

Health & Medical Blog

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural ways to nourish your little one. But for some mothers, the changes in their breast size and functions can cause physical changes in their breasts, including sagging and drooping. These physical changes can affect how you feel about your body. You can firm and lift your breasts naturally with the information and simple tips below. How Does Nursing Affect Your Breasts? It's important to understand that breastfeeding isn't the cause of your sagging breasts.

30 November 2017

Dealing With An Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Health & Medical Blog

A menstrual cycle can tell a lot about various aspects of a woman's body. If your menstrual cycles have been irregular lately, it might be a sign that you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist. One of the common reasons for a cycle to become irregular is due to pregnancy. However, there are more serious problems that could cause irregular cycles. This article explains what a gynecologist can do to get to the bottom of why your menstrual cycles have been irregular.

10 November 2017

4 Reasons To Invest In Therapy Services

Health & Medical Blog

If you're struggling during an especially stressful or difficult time in your life, you may be considering therapy. This can be a great way to talk through your feelings while also getting expert advice from a professional. Individuals of all ages and situations choose to invest in individual therapy services. Keep reading to better understand the reasons as to why therapy may be a good option for you to consider. 

24 October 2017