How Upper Throat Surgery Can Help Treat Your Sleep Apnea

Health & Medical Blog

For certain sufferers of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), surgery targeting the upper throat area is often seen as the best way to improve or eliminate symptoms. Although there are other methods that are often recommended first, targeting the upper throat for surgery is something you should consider exploring when other methods are not producing the results you want. Here is an overview of surgical methods available for the upper throat, how they're beneficial, and even information about the risks involved to help you make the best decision possible.

21 January 2015

The Importance Of Regular Eye Exams

Health & Medical Blog

Your eyesight is one of your most important senses, which is why it's absolutely essential to schedule regular eye exams. In examining your eyes, your doctor will determine if you need eyeglasses or contacts (or need to change your prescription). He or she will also check your eyes for any signs of eye disease, judging how well your eyes work and evaluating them as part of your overall health. Catching a problem early can literally save your sight.

19 January 2015

Staying Up On Healthy Feet - Signs You May Need To See A Podiatrist


The pressure to exercise, eat right, and make positive lifestyle choices has led to more and more people actively working to improve their medical situation. Not all common ailments, however, have received the same attention, however. Your feet are often said to be the mirror of your overall health, yet they are often times neglected. Many people feel that foot issues can be handled at home, and in doing so, often miss out on valuable care that could greatly improve their quality of life.

15 January 2015

3 Ways To Reduce Or Avoid Neck Pain

Health & Medical Blog

Neck pain can prevent you from living, working, and doing the normal daily activities you need to perform. If you have neck pain often, then here are 3 ways to reduce the pain or to avoid it altogether. Avoid Bad Sitting Positions First, you need to be more aware of how you position your head and neck if you work at a computer all day. Sitting at a desk is a great way to keep your neck and spine straight while you type, but if your chair is too low, then you may create tension in your neck because your shoulders will be raised up.

13 January 2015

3 Ways To Find Out If You Have A Food Allergy

Health & Medical Blog

Food allergies that cause severe reactions such as facial swelling make it fairly easy to identify the source: whatever food you ate right before the reaction. But milder reactions, or seeming to react to a number of foods, can make your potential food allergies a bit harder to pin down. Ultimately, you will want to make an appointment with an allergist but there's also a step you can take if you have to wait a while to see a doctor.

12 January 2015

3 Methods For Restoring Damaged Teeth

Health & Medical Blog

If you are faced with tooth decay, you will want to address this issue quickly. The key to being able to save your tooth will rest in restoring the tooth before too much damage is done. There is a variety of dental restorations techniques that can help you avoid a tooth extraction. Knowing common ways to restore decayed teeth can help you when faced with this situation. Method #1:  Dental fillings

9 January 2015

Treating Your Vaginismus: What You Should Know

Health & Medical Blog

When you suffer from a disorder such as vaginismus, you may feel as though you are alone in your struggles. You may even find yourself wondering if there is something inherently wrong with you that prevents you from having a "normal" sex life or even from being able to use the feminine products many women take for granted. However, the truth of the matter is that you are not alone, and many women also suffer from the involuntary contraction of the muscles around the vagina causing it to close at the most inconvenient times.

8 January 2015

Use Of Dental Implants To Replace Missing Permanent Teeth That Don't Grow In

Health & Medical Blog

Not everyone loses all their baby teeth. Primary teeth normally fall out when the permanent teeth underneath start growing in. Sometimes, however, there isn't a permanent tooth below to push the baby tooth out. When this happens, your dentist can extract the baby tooth and replace it with an adult dental implant. Even if you don't have your dentist remove the tooth, it may eventually come out later in adulthood -- even when you're 40.

8 January 2015