Staying Open-Minded About Your Healthcare

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I didn't know what I was going to do. After the devastation subsided, I decided to take a very standard, western approach to my healing. Although initial efforts were successful, my cancer recurred a few months later. I endured many additional months of treatment before I started focusing on myself. I decided it was time to incorporate complimentary alternative treatments into my healing regimen, including massage therapy. I can't even begin to tell you how much it changed my life. My healing became a process, instead of something I simply had to endure. I hope that the articles on my website can inspire you to stay open-minded about your own healthcare.

Use Of Dental Implants To Replace Missing Permanent Teeth That Don't Grow In

Health & Medical Blog

Not everyone loses all their baby teeth. Primary teeth normally fall out when the permanent teeth underneath start growing in. Sometimes, however, there isn't a permanent tooth below to push the baby tooth out. When this happens, your dentist can extract the baby tooth and replace it with an adult dental implant.

Even if you don't have your dentist remove the tooth, it may eventually come out later in adulthood -- even when you're 40. Your dentist can always place an implant then:

Permanent Teeth That Are Often Missing

Hypodontia -- a condition where you have fewer than the normal number of permanent teeth -- is one of the most common dental abnormalities, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Although you can have several congenitally missing permanent teeth, you may have only one or two teeth missing.

Since a dental implant does the job of a real tooth, dentists often use them to replace the upper front teeth, or lateral incisors. These are the teeth beside your two front teeth and are the permanent teeth that are often missing.

Another permanent tooth that is frequently missing is the second bicuspid, also known as a premolar, in the lower jaw. These are the teeth located behind the canine teeth and in front of the molars. There are no bicuspids in baby teeth, as bicuspids take the place of primary molars.

Cause of Missing Permanent Teeth

Permanent teeth form from the dental lamina -- a band of epithelial tissue underneath the gums. This tissue doesn't form if one of the genes responsible for tooth development is mutated. Without the dental lamina, a tooth won't form.

The Time to Have Implants

Although dentists commonly use dental implants to replace missing teeth, your age at the time of treatment matters. Having dental implants before age 18 isn't necessarily a practical move. Delaying implants until your early 20's may be a better idea since it can take that long before your jaw growth is complete.

In the meantime, orthodontic treatment can hold your other teeth in place until it's time to do the implants. Otherwise, the teeth you have may shift, affecting both your appearance and tooth function.

How the Implant Procedure Works

The implant procedure requires placing a tooth root implant into the socket of your jawbone where you have a permanent tooth missing. Your dentist may use a shorter implant when replacing a bicuspid to avoid hitting nerves in the jaw.

It usually takes the jawbone from six to 12 weeks to heal. Once the implant fuses to your jaw, the dentist places an abutment, or small connector post, to the post of the tooth root implant. This is what will hold the crown in place.

Your dentist will match the color of the crown to the color of your real teeth for a natural look. Like your permanent teeth, if you take proper care of a dental implant, it can last you throughout your lifetime. For more help, contact a dentist about possible implant dentistry options for you.


8 January 2015