Nutritional Intervention For Chemotherapy Side Effects

Health & Medical Blog

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, then your oncologist may have referred you to a specialized treatment center offering breast cancer treatment services. The physicians at the breast cancer treatment center will monitor the effects of your medications and treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, and anti-estrogen medications. While chemotherapy is effective in eliminating cancer cells, it can also damage healthy cells in your gastrointestinal tract and elsewhere in your body. Because of this, you may experience nausea, vomiting, fatigue, mouth sores, suppressed immunity, and hair loss.

2 February 2021

Can Acupuncture Really Help You Lose Weight?

Health & Medical Blog

You may have heard that acupuncture can help with weight loss. At first, this might sound like a strange and unfounded claim. How can sticking needles in your skin help you shed pounds? As it turns out, though, acupuncture can be a helpful weight loss aid — but not necessarily in the way you're probably thinking. Here's a closer look at how acupuncture helps patients lose weight, along with some tips for working acupuncture into your own weight loss routine.

7 January 2021