3 Underlying Reasons For Frequent Or Chronic Gastrointestinal Distress

Health & Medical Blog

Most people expect the occasional episode of nausea, gas, or diarrhea, but some people experience these problems frequently or so often that it's chronic. There are several issues that may explain the increase in gastrointestinal problems. Food Intolerances Food intolerance are probably the most common cause of gastrointestinal distress. Since these problems can be hard to identify, you may experience issues for a prolonged period before you find the culprit. Common food intolerances are gluten and lactose, but there are plenty of foods that may be irritating to your digestive system.

22 July 2019

Understanding Some Key Things About Drug Addiction And Counseling

Health & Medical Blog

If you are trying to overcome an addiction to drugs, you will need a lot of support along the way. Even when you have been clean and sober for a while, you will still need support, and a big part of that support should likely be individual and group counseling. Here are some key things you should be aware of in relation to addiction and counseling.  Addiction Never Really Goes Away

21 June 2019

Respite Care Can Be Really Important to Parents of Special Needs Kids

Health & Medical Blog

If you are a parent of a child with special needs, you know that there are times that it feels like you are a soldier in the trenches. You love your child more than life, but sometimes it is just really hard to be the parent your child deserves. You get tired and need a break, which is perfectly normal. One thing that you can do to help yourself, and by extension, your child, is to find some respite care.

17 May 2019

3 Benefits Of In-Home Care After A Loved One's Stroke


Strokes block blood and oxygen from the brain, damaging and even killing some or all brain cells depending on the severity of the stroke. Considering it is one of the main causes of death and a leading cause of disability, a stroke can affect a person's health, wellness, and quality of life. If you have a spouse, parent, or other loved one who has recently had a stroke, knowing how to care for them is important.

10 April 2019

3 Worthwhile Advantages To Working With A Personalized Health Coach

Health & Medical Blog

Struggling to live a healthy life can be taxing mentally and physically. If nothing seems to be working, it may be time to get help from a personalized health coach. Working with one of these specialists on a regular basis gives you access to the following advantages.  Added Motivation  One reason why staying healthy can be so hard is because you have no accountability. You may have good intentions starting out, but after a while, you fall back into old habits.

7 February 2019

Does Post-Op Care For Reconstructive Surgery Differ From That For Cosmetic Surgery?

Health & Medical Blog

Reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery tend to differ in name and insurance coverage only, or so it seems. While basic post-op care applies to any type of surgery, reconstructive post-op care can be more intense in a way. Recovery from cosmetic surgery requires caution, of course, but reconstructive procedures have different desired outcomes, which affects what you do to some extent. Basic Post-op Care Doesn't Change As mentioned, the basic care doesn't change.

3 January 2019

Pushing Through The Holidays With Arthritis Pain

Health & Medical Blog

Are you the one in charge of the holiday party this year? If you're experiencing an arthritis flare up, you may be concerned how you'll get everything done. Swollen joints, extreme pain and mobility issues can make entertaining grueling. Here are a few ways to push through the holiday season while dealing with an arthritis flare-up. What is Arthritis? There are over 100 forms and variations of arthritis, according to Arthritis.org. Three of the most common types are psoriatic, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

4 December 2018