Staying Open-Minded About Your Healthcare

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I didn't know what I was going to do. After the devastation subsided, I decided to take a very standard, western approach to my healing. Although initial efforts were successful, my cancer recurred a few months later. I endured many additional months of treatment before I started focusing on myself. I decided it was time to incorporate complimentary alternative treatments into my healing regimen, including massage therapy. I can't even begin to tell you how much it changed my life. My healing became a process, instead of something I simply had to endure. I hope that the articles on my website can inspire you to stay open-minded about your own healthcare.

Why Your Feet May Be Causing Your Back Pain

Health & Medical Blog

If you're suffering from chronic lower back pain, take a look at your feet. Your flat feet, also called feet with fallen arches, may be contributing to or even causing the back pain. Here is the connection between your feet and your back pain and how your pain can be treated.

Keeping Your Lower Body Aligned

The arch in your foot serves two purposes.

  • It provides a shock-absorbing type of support each time you take a step.
  • It keeps your ankles, knees, and hips in natural alignment.

This shock-absorbing prevents the force of your steps from being transmitted up your legs and into your back. When the arch is fallen, your legs and back feel more of that jarring force. The fallen arches also put your joints out of alignment, causing stress in your legs and back. The muscles in your back react to this by becoming inflamed and painful.

Why the Arch in Your Foot Fails

You may have a family history of flat feet, meaning that the muscles and tendons in your feet are not strong enough to maintain the arches. Outside of surgery, little can be done in this case of fallen arches. You do have control over some of the other causes, such as

  • injury to the muscles and tendons in the foot that maintain the arch
  • overuse of the muscles during exercise or other physical activity
  • weight gain beyond what the muscles holding the arch can tolerate

Treating Fallen Arches

A visit to a podiatry practice such as Laurel Podiatry Associates, LLC will determine the cause and extent of the failed arches. Your doctor will initially recommend one or more non-invasive approaches to treating the problem. When these stop giving you relief from the back pain, surgery may be used to help. Some of the non-invasive treatments include

  • shoe inserts that create an artificial arch to hold your foot in better alignment
  • exercises to strengthen the muscles in your feet to better hold the arch in place
  • supports and braces that hold your foot in a position that realigns the joints

Your doctor will also recommend some actions for you to take if the cause of the fallen arches is preventable. These include

  • proper warm-up of the muscles in the foot before physical activity
  • adequate resting of the muscles during exercise or playing sports
  • weight loss to reduce the stress on the muscles in the feet

When these and the non-invasive techniques fail to give your foot enough support, some of the surgical options include

  • reconstruction of an arch in your foot by fusing the bones together
  • moving tendons to different attachment points to give them more leverage to hold the arch

During your recovery from surgery, you'll use one or more of the non-invasive treatments to relieve stress from your foot while it is healing.

Once you've regained an arch in your feet, your legs and hips will take on their natural alignment and remove the stress from your back. Fix those fallen arches, and you'll be free of the annoying chronic back pain.


26 July 2016